Article : Glycerol is not suitable for the cryopreservation of quail semen

Article : Glycerol is not suitable for the cryopreservation of quail semen

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1. This study investigated the potential use of glycerol as a cryoprotectant for quail sperm cells. Its role in maintaining sperm fertilising ability in vivo and in vitro quality parameters, such as motility, was assessed.

2. The data showed that the presence of glycerol in semen samples was associated with infertility, which suggested that removal prior to insemination is mandatory. Removal through serial dilution centrifugation was associated with fewer than 5% of motile sperm cells and resulted in no fertility.

3. In conclusion, glycerol alone is not suitable for quail semen cryopreservation, and other approaches need to be investigated to develop cryobanking programmes for this species.

Personnes impliquées dans l'équipe : Isabelle Grasseau, Isabelle Couty et Anaïs Vitorino Carvalho.